balancing estrogen & testosterone

The ratio between Estrogen and Testosterone is very important - too much estrogen can lead to health issues.

strogen is important to consider when looking at Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Testosterone can be converted to Estrogen in a process called aromatization. This process occurs primarily in fat tissue and increases as we age. The ratio between Estrogen and Testosterone is very important.

Too much Estrogen can:

  • Increase risk factors for heart disease and prostate issues
  • Block the effects of Testosterone, even if it is replaced to optimum levels

Arimidex (Anastrozole)

In the body, testosterone is converted to estrogen by enzymes called aromatases.  Arimidex is a medication that prevents aromatases from converting Testosterone to Estrogen by binding with these enzymes. This normalizes the Testosterone to Estrogen ratio, and is the most common way we reduce Estrogen levels for men at BHRT Canada.  It is generally taken once per week, although doses can vary according to each individual’s need.

Other considerations:

There are other natural methods that can be used to reduce estrogen levels. Although not as effective as Arimidex, they are still helpful in shifting the ratio and should still be considered. These are especially helpful in patients unable to tolerate Arimidex.

  • Zinc / Copper Balance Supplement (Approximately 50mg a day): Zinc inhibits levels of aromatase. (Zinc should not be taken alone, but in conjunction with copper, to prevent the depletion of copper.)
  • Saw Palmetto (Approximately 320mg, 2 times per day): Saw Palmetto’s most well-known benefit is reducing prostate enlargement, but it can also suppress estrogen production and lower DHT levels, helping to reduce hair loss.
  • Diindolylmethane (DIM) (Approximately 125mg per day): DIM is one of the beneficial ingredients found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower. stimulates the burning off of excess estrogen.
  • Weight Loss: In both women and men, fat cells are full of aromatase and store plentiful quantities of estrogen. As the pounds fall off, so will estrogen conversion activity and many of the symptoms of andropause will vanish as well.
  • Decrease Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol significantly inhibits the clearance of estrogen from the bloodstream and also decreases zinc levels.


  • Vitamin K2 (Approximately 10mg of MK-4 and 2mg of MK-7 per day)
  • Resveratrol (250mg/day)
  • Niacin (500mg/day)
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Shellfish


Try to avoid the following when possible, as they worsen the estrogen/testoterone imbalance:

    • Soy products
    • High dose Vitamin E
    • General dietary deficiencies/malnutrition
    • Grapefruit
    • Abusive substances (ex. Alcohol, narcotics, marijuana)
    • Pesticides
    • Pain & Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS, acetaminophen/Tylenol, aspirin), Antibiotics, Antifungal medications, Cholesterol lowering drugs, Antidepressants, Antipsychotic medicines, Heart and blood pressure medicine, Calcium channel blockers, Spironolactone, Diuretics

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True Balance Medical Spas are located in Spruce Grove, St. Albert and Sherwood Park. We offer a wide range of services including injectables, laser, aesthetics, massage, medical weight loss and hormone replacement programs.

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Text St. Albert: 587.290.2290

Text Sherwood Park: 780.464.4506

Text Spruce Grove: 780.962.3262